NEW BRAND ALERT : Best Friend’s Boyfriend

Hello and long long time no talk. I have been almost totally absent from my blog and Instagram this summer because I have been working long and hard on my brand new, online clothing store! I launched my store, Best Friend’s Boyfriend on June 18th and it has been a fun, but extremely difficult time and learning process.

I knew for a long time that I wanted to do something like this and it wasn’t until I went to Los Angeles back in March to actually get inspired and start brainstorming. I went back to LA in June after ordering my first round of inventory to shoot all of it there.

I want my store to be pieces that I would wear but also what the public would purchase with both fun statement pieces as well as everyday basics. Best Friend’s Boyfriend’s price point is low because my main audience is younger , and as a younger person, I know how hard it is to justify spending a ton of money on trendy clothes.

My goal for Fall is to start blogging, using Instagram andddddd YOUTUBE again! I have put so much energy into Best Friend’s Boyfriend and I am now at the point where I need to bring myself back into focus. I plan on focusing mostly on fashion, but also on lifestyle and travel.

I can not wait to get started but in the meantime go shop my new store and follow us on Instagram here!!!

Thanks all for reading, see you very soon.

xx Bella

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